Sunday, January 4, 2015

P90X3 - Week One Recap

Something has been holding me back from doing this program.  I think I was intimidated by the whole P90X is a BIG program (and provide people amazing results).  But I am not an athletic person.  But I have gotten fitter over the last year and a half.  And I decided 2015 is MY year to shine.

P90X3 has four different schedules to choose from:  classic, lean, bulk and doubles.   No matter which format you choose, you do three blocks that are four weeks each (you follow the regular schedule for three weeks and then week four is a transition week).  I find that I can get mental blocks when it comes to workout programs.  There are workouts that I like and ones that I don't...and I try to avoid doing them.  But I KNOW that doesn't help me!  So I am approaching the program like this.......I only have to do each workout THREE times.  That's it.  Three.  I can TOTALLY do each workout three times!  Why is it only three?  Because each of the three blocks last for three weeks with a transition week between. 

I kicked off the program (I am doing the LEAN version) a few days before the new year ---- mainly because I have been sick and tired of over indulging from the holiday and really needing to get back to business BEFORE the new year.   I don't think I realized that the lean version would be a LOT of cardio.....I am not a big fan of cardio.....give me weights any day of the week, but I would rather not do cardio.  This may be why I have not been as lean as I was last spring....which is why I decided to go with the Lean schedule.

So one week down, two to go in block one.  How am a I feeling?  Feeling great!  I CAN do the cardio and I am stronger than I thought I was!  I do like that there are two yoga days (one is a classic yoga program and the other is a day of isometric yoga holds....really hard but I love a workout in bare feet!).  And for the carido, the 30 minutes FLIES by.  Tony mixes up the moves so much it goes really and out.

I have some major work to do (those before photos are NOT pretty.....neither is the number on the scale).  I will post progress photos at the end of each block.  Not only will I be working out but I will be eating clean......keep a lookout for recipes each week!

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