Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year, Best Year Ever

With the year winding down, I have been thinking how I can make myself BETTER in 2014.  Goals, I have goals. I am MOTIVATED!  But I decided I have to DO MORE than just setting GOALS.  I realized that I can set goals until I am blue in the face, that isn’t going to do anything to get me where I want to be...I realized that I have to HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE.  I realized that one of the things that has been holding me back is my fear of being vulnerable, but if I don’t make myself vulnerable...put myself out there, then I am not doing anything any differently than I have always done.  

The only way to change is to do things differently than I have always done them.  I have to TAKE RISKS.  Nothing monumental, but I have to step OUTSIDE of my comfort zone.   So in 2014, I am going to put myself out there more than I ever have before...get ready!  And my hope is that my risks will help MOTIVATE others, will help motivate YOU, to do the same.  To step outside of your comfort zone and make changes to make your life better!

I will be posting my Beachbody progress photos on my blog.  I am starting P90X3 on January 6th and I am going to ROCK that program!  I know it is going to take a LOT of hard work and dedication and I KNOW that my challenge group is going to keep me motivated and on track.  Check in here or on my facebook page for updates!!!  

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